People’s Tribunal

What was that press briefing all about?

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Dear judge Mbadwa,

My lord, whoever conceived that ill-fated press briefing where the Tokha Are Liars were exonerating themselves in shenanigans concerning the late president of Northern Rhodesia, Mayikolo Sata, does not wish the alliance well.

Did you notice how the venerated Minister of Justice and his Information counterpart in the Lazaro administration stammered their way through the briefing?

If you asked me, they didn’t look convincing as they went through the poorly prepared script, which was probably written by amateur playwrights, from you know where.

The briefing only succeeded in promoting the narrative that the folks in government, just like those in opposition, are quaking in their boots every time they are reminded that Marita’s investigations are proceeding nonetheless.

If it were Marita addressing Nyasas that her body has thoroughly looked at the evidence at hand; hence, does not think that anyone in Tokha Are Liars government benefited from proceeds of corruption, we would have believed her.

Since when did the Nyasaland Information and Justice ministers become spokespersons of the body that Marita heads?

If people in government and the opposition are as innocent as they claim, they need not worry; the results of the investigations will prove that. So, why can’t they wait for the conclusion of the investigations and some ongoing court cases?

The Tokha Are Liars have been propagating that they want to promote the independence of Marita’s work in the fight against corruption, yet they are doing exactly the opposite by interfering in her investigations.

Forgive me, my lord, this was another poor attempt aimed at discrediting the good work Marita is doing.

My Lord, my rudimentary understanding of good propaganda campaigns is that they are hinged on knowing the kind of audience you are dealing with.

The issue at hand is not going to be wished away by applying the philosophy of aNyasa sachedwa kuiwala (Nyasas have a very short memory) borrowed from that Chairman of the Yellow Party.

Remember how the electorate entrusted Tokha with power after it had indicated that it wanted to root out corruption like never before and the goodwill it received on that account can be eroded if it does not handle this issue well.

My lord, I will be compelled to repeat that if there is a thing that politicians will never learn about is how to read the times. The Tokha Are Liars are slowly falling into that trap perhaps because most of the advisers are not as smart as they parade themselves.

Don’t they say  you can rewind the clock, but not time ?

I am watching with keen interest the unfolding of the events.


John Citizen

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